South Munster Citizens Information Service
Company Name: South Munster Citizens Information Service
Legal form of the company: Company Limited by Guarantee
Registered Company Office Address: 13/15 Cornmarket Street, Cork
Registered Company Number: 621212
Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20201138
Charitable Tax Exemption Number (CHY): 22519
Locations covered: Cork: Bantry, Blackpool, Cobh, Cork City Centre, Fermoy, Holyhill / Knocknaheeny, Macroom, Mallow,Youghal. Kerry: Caherciveen, Killarney, Tralee.
Most recent Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements: Audited Financial Statements can be found at this link.
Regional Manager: Elaine Clifford (
Compliments and Complaints: Elaine Clifford
Data Protection:
Directors: Niall Cremen (Chairperson), Ian Dempsey, Margaret Morrin, John Golden, Fiona Buckley, Michael Rowan, Gerard Curtin, Michael O'Dwyer, Andrew McCarthy
Regional Office Telephone Number: 0818 076 950
Email address: