Dublin South Citizens Information Service

Company Name: Dublin South Citizens Information Service

Legal form of the company: Company Limited by Guarantee

Registered Company Office Address: Hainault House, Belgard Square South, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24 RFV0.

Registered Company Number: 621213

Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20204836

Charitable Tax Exemption Number (CHY): CHY 22876

Locations covered: Citizens Information Centres operating in Ballyfermot, Clondalkin, Carmelite, Crumlin, Dundrum, Dun Laoghaire, Liberties, Lucan, Tallaght

Most recent Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements: Accessible using this link

Regional Manager: Simon.Monds@citinfo.ie

Compliments and Complaints: Simon.Monds@citinfo.ie

Data Protection: Data.DS@citinfo.ie

Directors: Philip Byrne (Chairperson), Niamh O’Doherty (Company Secretary), Marjo Moonen, Donough O’Reilly, Dudley O’Donnell, Tricia Nolan, Jerry Crowley, Fergal Morris.

Regional Office Telephone Number: 0818 07 8340

Email address: dscis@citinfo.ie